You have 15 days after receiving an item to request an exchange. You have to inform us via email or over the phone within 3 days after receiving the item to get an exchange.
Step 01: You can inform us through email at or call us at 0777 993 883. Let us know your need to exchange your particular item.
Step 02: After analysis, our Exchange Team will get back to you stating the procedure where you have to send the package back through Registered Post or a Courier Service along with the following details.
To – Libera Corporate Office
64/A – 1/1 Kawdana Road, Dehiwela.
From – (Your Details with the order number)
Post it back to us within 2-3 working days with the original condition along with the price tags, Please Email/WhatsApp us the Courier/Postal receipt of your exchange package.
Step 03: Once we have received the package, one of our Sales Representatives will contact you and give you the specific instructions so you can simply redeem the exchange product value from your next order.
Please bring the product within 14 days after receiving it to the Libera flagship store along with the invoice, the price tags you received, and the ordered item that you wish to exchange. The Exchange will be carried out based on the policies and options set out below.
If a garment has any defects/damages you can go for an exchange and in the case a garment cannot be exchanged, you can go for a refund option.
Please remember…
You can not make more than one exchange request simultaneously for the same order also the price tag should be intact.
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